The Philosophers Stone: A Harry Potter Introduction to Philosophy

Établissement : Carleton University (Carleton University)
Catégorie : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Langue : English

Description du cours

This mini-course introduces students to a range of themes in philosophy through the lens of the Harry Potter novels and films. We will use scenarios from the Harry Potter franchise to illustrate key concepts, problems and figures in the Western philosophical tradition.
Students will be placed in Wizard Houses and engage in discussion, debate, and other in-class activities together. Each day will revolve around one theme in philosophy. Various clips from the movies of Harry Potter will be screened during each class as well as passages from the books and will serve to introduce the theme for the day. It will then be related to key philosophical questions.
Themes discussed may include aesthetics, the philosophy of love, the metaphysics of destiny and free will, and the philosophy of personal identity. The kinds of questions we may work through include: Is art just a form of escapism? Does using a love potion on someone take away their free will? Is Tom Riddle the same person as Voldemort if his soul has been divided?
Besides gaining an understanding of important concepts and questions in philosophy, students will learn to exercise the kinds of critical thinking skills that are useful in a university setting. These include engaging in close reading and learning to present objections and replies to views discussed. No prior knowledge of any philosophical traditions or of the Harry Potter franchise is required.